Rewterz Threat Alert – Eight Exploits Used in BlackSquid Attacks
June 10, 2019
Rewterz Threat Alert – Over 185,000 Payment Card Details Stolen by MageCart
June 10, 2019
Rewterz Threat Alert – Eight Exploits Used in BlackSquid Attacks
June 10, 2019
Rewterz Threat Alert – Over 185,000 Payment Card Details Stolen by MageCart
June 10, 2019Severity
Analysis Summary
A botnet named GoldBrute. It is currently attempting to brute-force credentials on Internet-accessible RDP servers. The number of servers the botnet is attempting to exploit is reportedly in the region of 1.5 million. If a server is successfully compromised, the server will then download and install the botnet code. The botnet is written in Java and the required Java runtime is part of the botnet code download. The infected server will communicate with the C&C server using an encrypted (AES) websocket on port 8333 and then scan random IP addresses to locate further systems with exposed RDP services. An interesting feature of the botnet is the manner in which it assigns servers to attempt to brute force with each bot trying only one username and password per target system.
Credential theft
Indicators of Compromise
IP(s) / Hostname(s)
- 104[.]248[.]167[.]144
- 104[.]156[.]249[.]231
Malware Hash (MD5/SHA1/SH256)
- af07d75d81c36d8e1ef2e1373b3a975b9791f0cca231b623de0b2acd869f264e
- Ensure strong RDP passwords.
- Ensure RDP is not connected to the internet.